Holiday Boosting Group


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Standing out from the crowd can be difficult with social media posting (and it doesn’t have to be.)

Increasing engagement on your posts is essential to keep your posts boosted to the top of the newsfeed.

My social media boosting groups are designed to get your content organically boosted to the top of your followers’ newsfeeds. From October 22 to December 22, members will post their links in the thread to have other members go in and share their love and comments on. These are hosted in a private Facebook group.

This holiday boosting group is 4x per week and will work for your Facebook personal timeline, Facebook page, private Facebook group, Instagram and LinkedIn posts. You choose. Or mix them up.

The holiday group will include boosting on Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Small Business Friday and Cyber Monday.

This program will work for ANY business. The cost is $197.

Members on average see an 80 to 90% increase (and sometimes more) in their sales and engagement just from these groups.

BONUS! We will have at least 2 quick Zoom meetings during the time that we are together to help members get to know each other and their business. Participation is optional.

This group will begin on October 22 and end on December 22.

I’m in! What do I do next?

Click the link above to sign up. You will receive a confirmation email within 12 hours and will be added to the group on October 21 and you will be contacted through messenger and email with the link to the group.

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