Social Boosting/Holiday Groups for 2022


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Standing out from the crowd can be difficult with social media posting (and it doesn’t have to be.)

Increasing engagement on your posts is essential to keep your posts boosted to the top of the newsfeed.

My social media boosting groups are made up of over 55 business owners and are designed to get your content organically boosted to the top of your followers’ newsfeeds. For 6 weeks, members will post their links in the thread to have other members go in and share their love and comments on. These are hosted in a private Facebook group.

The social boosting is 4x per week and will work for your Facebook personal timeline, Facebook page, private Facebook group, Instagram and LinkedIn posts. You choose. Or mix them up.

This program will work for ANY business.

This is a special price for the remainder of 2022 – you can sign up for the two remaining groups PLUS the holiday group for just $247 ($400 if you purchased them individually)

The regular price for EACH 6 week group is $97 and the holiday group is $197 so this is a bargain.

Each 6 week group includes the social boosting AND 3 Zoom mingles which are set up to meet your colleagues and to help with collaborations and referrals.

PLUS we have space for scheduling links in the group so that you can set up times for quick chats with each other for networking, referrals & collaborations.

AND….we have added a global business directory where members can add all of their information (with clickable links) to be shared throughout the online universe.

Members on average see an 80 to 90% increase in their engagement, reach and connection with new clients.

I have hosted 39 of these groups in the last 18 months.

I’m in! What do I do next?

Click the link above to sign up. You will receive a confirmation email within 12 hours.

Group 40 (October 24 to December 4), Group 41 (December 5 to January 15) PLUS the special Holiday group (October 26 to December 18).

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