When my gifts were running rampant and I really had no idea I was an empath I was in a deep depression. It was so bad I wondered if I would ever recover from it. My stomach hurt, my heart hurt and my head created the stories from hell.  It had become a vicious cycle.  I questioned whether I would see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I was so miserable and all my hubby was seeing was the tears and hearing me talking about fears. I felt such guilt and lets add a dollop of shame of who I became. I had no idea which emotion was coming to visit and stay and how I was going to be moment to moment.

There seems to be a trend as empaths start to feel even more.  In my case I had become a Reiki master and that seems to have opened me up even further.  Plus my request to the universe, let’s not forget that which was……Please let me gifts grow…. Face palm lol.  And boy did they grow next time I will ask in an easy, fun and magical way no more torture or torment. My gifts growing came with The fear, uncertainty, woe is me, and lots of confusion. I am going to say 95% of it wasn’t mine. However it made me ill, to the point that I ended up with cancer.

The reason I am sharing this is many years of emotions, mental confusion, physical issues that I internalized eventually manifested itself in illness.  There are other contributing factors such as lifestyle, and the foods I ate.  I was great for fast food and take out.

Now I believe lots of other things contributed to cancer growth as well and cancer usually takes years to grow.

As I look back there were times when life threw me someone else’s curve balls and I took it in and accepted it as mine.  I remember when I was in school and the first three weeks a new school year started I would spend crying, I was afraid of getting older and dying.  What young child does this? This went on from 6th grade through 11th grade. I was so sensitive and felt ashamed that all I did was cry.  What was worse was everyone’s reaction to it and their comments. One comment was get a backbone, so it took me a long time to be able to show my feelings after years of hiding them.

Another important piece for empaths is mindset and how I thought of my gift.  Oh I was so in VICTIM MODE then I would switch to martyrdom. It was look at me I can do this all by myself and help others heal.

It took me a while to realize I needed help and that it was always there once I got my head out of my ass.


1 An-empowered-empath-is-a

The universe/god/source energy gave us these gifts with the thought that they are all around us to help clear this energy.  It was never given to us so that we would be punished or expected that we do it all alone.

  • ASK FOR HELP. Ask your friends, family, guides and the universe.  It is within us to be powerful and part of that is asking for help. An Empowered empath is a badass.
  • Mindset – what actions do you take daily to create a positive mindset? Remember if you continually expect to feel the crap of the universe, well chick pea you will. Expect the worst and it will be delivered to your doorstep daily. Expect the best and you will feel a lot more peace, love and happiness. Society has use programmed to always expect the worst of others and the world. How about start looking for all the great things that happen. How people come to together to help one another.

I receive daily emails from Abraham & Hicks, TEDX and happify.  These emails can shift my perspective from UGH to hello life. I definitely feel more grateful or at least I am not ready to jump off the building in a single leap.

  • Rituals -When I wake up I enjoy a cup of coffee, meditate and write in my journal. I created my journal one of the questions I always respond to is “how do I want to FEEL that day?” So I bought a bunch of flat rocks with feelings on them and I carry it around in my pocket as a reminder of my dominant feeling. It Comes back to mindset I can choose to let the world take up space in my head or I can choose what I want.


You get to choose as well. Which will it be for you? Here is the thing though….when looking to change a habit it will take some time. Be persistent, you can do this.

I am attaching links to the meditation and journal that I use daily and created for myself.

The journal http://www.triciadycka.com/empath-daily-rituals-journal/

The meditation http://www.triciadycka.com/empath-morning-meditation/

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